EXPEDITION AVIATION is a company specializing in aircraft leasing and chartering for various customers who require aviation support in remote areas or work in the field of humanitarian or disaster relieve operations. EXPEDITION AVIATION offers its customers fast, cost effective, and reliable air transportation solutions.
The focus of our company always has been on provision quality and efficient management of aviation services in order of customers.
This will be achieved through:
- Our consideration with the context of the organization and aligning the Quality Management System with the strategic direction of EXPEDITION AVIATION.
- Our commitment to satisfying customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Our management of organization, along with employee-established quality objectives and defined responsibilities for their fulfillment.
- Our establishment, application, maintenance and continual improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015.
- Our continual enhancement towards customers’ satisfaction.
- Our commitment to tracking and applying new technologies and educating employees.
- Our continuous upgrading of the Quality Management System in all stages of our service delivery.
The framework for setting quality objectives is defined in the Quality Manual.
Director is responsible for communicating the Quality Policy to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization and making it available to the public.
The Company is certified accordingly to Quality Management System requirements as per ISO 9001:2015 standards and acquired the following Certificate.